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NorthEast Oklahoma Beekeeper's Association

Welcome to NEOBA!



NEOBA (Northeast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association) is simply a group of local beekeepers that promote beekeeping to the general public and support fellow beekeepers around our region. NEOBA pursues its educational mission by giving local presentations to schools and civic groups, hosting beekeeper classes, and organizing our annual Bee Keeping conference called the "Big Bee Buzz".


Whether you're new to Beekeeping, are thinking about becoming a Beekeeper or are just interested in learning more, we offer a series of classes twice a year, once in the fall and once in the late winter. We typically graduate over 150 new beekeepers every year. If you're interested in learning more, click the "Benefits of Membership" link on the menu bar. 


For a complete list of upcoming meetings, conferences, and classes, please see our Events Calendar.

Interested in learning more? Come join us for our next meeting! 

We meet on the 2nd Monday evening of each month, from 6:30 to 8:30, at Wright Christian Academy in Tulsa, OK. We typically have a speaker and Q&A sessions to discuss bees, and bee management techniques.